Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Car are You!!!!

I'm a Chevrolet Corvette!

You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.

Take the">Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Here you go, I am a damn Chevy product! Figures I hate Chevy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jeremie's Blog

Even though everyone probably knows about Jeremie's blog and his weight -loss I wanted to make a post linking my (our) blog to his blog.

I am so proud of my skinny husband, now I guess I need to get on the bandwagon and lose some weight. I think I need to finish graduate school first!

5 Things.....

So here goes, my first post on my blog! Now stop bugging me it will probably take me another 4 months to make a damn post.....

5 Shows I watch....(only five, I made it 10)

1. ER
2. Intervention
3. The Cleaner
4. Sons of Anarchy
6. Criminal Minds
7. House
8. Fringe
9. Prison Break
10. CSI's (all three)

5 Restaurants

1. Goodwood
2. Madelines
3. Carvers
4. Texas Roadhouse (aka Texas whorehouse)
5. Braza Grill

5 Things that happened yesterday....

1. Worked (big surprise)
2. My little sister turned 16
3. My awesome husband cooked me dinner
4. Had my yearly evaluation at work
5. While driving on the freeway a damn boulder hit my windshield (okay so it was only a rock about the size of a large marble, but it scared the hell out of me and I ducked)

5 Thing to look forward to

1. Finishing graduate school
2. Buying a house with RV parking and a huge garage and a jetted tub
3. Having children
4. Getting a dog a Shar Pei
5. Working a "normal" Schedule

5 Things I love about Fall

1. The changing of the leaves
2. The cold mornings (but not too cold)
3. Being able to wear my fradie socks
4. Flannel sheets
5. Halloween

5 Things on my wish list

1. A huge house (and someone to clean it)
2. A new quad with a huge engine
3. Snowmobiles
4. To lose 50 pounds overnight
5. Palin to die in a horrible freakish plunger accident

5 Things important to me

1. My ever forgiving husband
2. My children (ferrets)
3. My education
4. Financial stability
5. Mine and my husbands health

5 People I tag

Everyone dammit!!!! If I can do it you can do it......