Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Just thought I would post an update on Missie, since I know you are all curious to know how she is doing! Isn't that why we have blogs so other people can be updated about our lives. Well Missie is doing much better. Because of the prendisone she is eating like a pig, she can't get enough food, but the food only "tastes good" out of the syringe and only if mommy or daddy is feeding her. We have found a new way to give her the medicine so she won't pee on us. We mix the medicine in with her food, she is soooo excited she doesn't have to take that nasty medicine anymore, but we are fooling our poor little ferret. Do I feel bad? Of course not, I am not getting peed on anymore and she is happy. She is such a sweet girl. She loves her mommy but she is daddy's sweet girl.

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